Wartime legacies

Wartime legacies (HM1GST)

Location: Saint Andrews, New Brunswick 54205 Charlotte County
Country: Canada
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N 45° 4.615', W 67° 3.73'

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L?heritage de la guerre

English on left

St. Andrews? citizens step up

In 1812, St. Andrews was a young town, founded not long before by Loyalists from New England fleeing the American Revolution. A modest fortification - Fort Tipperary - had been built in 1808 above the town. Citizens were concerned that the fort did not provide enough protection for the harbour and river from privateering raids. The town quickly built three batteries, which military engineers believed ineffective - and indeed possibly a threat to the town if captured by hostile forces - so blockhouses were built to defend each battery.

Maybe the cheque is in the mail

Military infrastructure was usually financed by the British government or military. However, as war with the United States loomed, government and military officials in St. Andrews were at odds about the need for the investment, so the necessary funds were raised privately by local merchants Robert Pagan and Christopher Scott. The understanding at the time was that the cost of construction would probably be reimbursed by the British military.

What about the local Aboriginal people?

While First Nations allies fought alongside British regulars and Canadian Militia to defend Upper and Lower Canada, the Passamaquoddy, Penobscots, Mi?kmaq and Wolastoqiyik (Malecite) Nations declared that they would take no part in the War of 1812, Undoubtedly, if New Brunswick had been threatened by an enemy invasion, they would have defended their lands, but no invasion was launched during the war. St. Andrews and the blockhouse are within the traditional territory of the Passamaquoddy people who were among the first Aboriginal people to come into contact with Europeans. They know St. Andrews as Qonasqamkuk, meaning "at the sandy or gravelly point".

French on right

Une protection accrue

En 1812, St. Andrews ?tait une jeune collectivit?, fond?e peu de temps auparavant par des Loyalistes de la Nouvelle-Angleterre qui avaient fui la guerre de l?Independence. Un modeste ouvrage de fortification, le fort Tipperary, avait ?t? construit en 1808 en amont du village. Les citoyens craignaient que le fort ne soit pas assez puissant pour prot?ger le port la rivi?re contre les raids des corsaires. Le village s?empressa donc de construire trois batteries. Les ing?nieurs militaires les jugeant inefficaces - voire dangereuses pour le village en cas de capture par l?ennemi -, il les renfor?a par des blockhaus.

Le ch?que est dan la poste?

L?infrastructure militaire ?tait g?n?ralement financ?e par le gouvernement ou l?arm?e britannique. Cependant, face ? la menace d?une guerre avec les ?tats-Unis, le gouvernement et les dirigeants militaires de St. Andrews n?arrivaient pas ? s?entendre sur la n?cessite de l?investissement. Les sommes n?cessaires furent donc r?unies par deux commer?ants locaux, Robert Page et Christopher Scott. Il ?tait entendu que les couts des construction leur seraient probablement rembours ? une date ult?rieure par l?arm?e britannique.

Qu?en est-il des Autochtones de la r?gion?

Alors que des allies des Premieres Nations se battirent aux c?t des soldats britanniques de la force r?guliers et dest miliciens canadiens pour d?fendre le Haut et le Bas-Canada. Les nations Passamquoddy, Penobscot, Mi?kmaq et Wolastqiyik (Malecite) d?clar?rent qu?ils ne perdraient aucune part ? la guerre de 1812. Ils auraient sans doute d?fendu leurs terres si le Nouveau-Brunswick avait ?t? menace par une invasion ennemie, mais aucune invasion ne fut lanc?e pendant la guerre. St. Andrew et le blockhaus se trouvent dans le territoire traditionnel des Parramaquoddys, l?im des premiers peuples autochtones ? entrer en contact avec les Europ?ens. Lest Possamaquoiddys connaissent St. Andrews sous le nom de Qonasqamkuk, ce que signifie "? la pointe de sable ou le gravier".
Placed ByParks Canada
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, October 26th, 2014 at 7:10am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)19T E 652526 N 4993321
Decimal Degrees45.07691667, -67.06216667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 45° 4.615', W 67° 3.73'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds45° 4' 36.9" N, 67° 3' 43.8" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)920
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling East
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 1-55 Joes Point Rd, Saint Andrews New Brunswick 54205, CA
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